“Art is a wound turned into light.”- Georges Braque

  • R.A.W. Restorative Art works

    R.A.W. (Restorative Art Works) is a theater group made up of current and former incarcerated residents along with interested community members. Together we create original pieces taken from true life stories of conflict, resolution, hope, incarceration, addiction, healing, redemption. We come together to create theater, deepen community and increase support.

    R.A.W is all about true stories – we use the arts as a powerful reminder that we are all human, helping each of us to transcend what ‘is’ and to imagine what ‘may be’.

    We believe the arts are fundamental to our humanity and to healthy communities. They bring us joy, help us to express our values and build bridges between cultures and communities - inside and outside prison walls.

  • For the Next Guy

    It was a divine thrill to be in the audience of 'For The Next Guy' last weekend at The Strand in Rockland. Packed houses, standing ovations, streaming tears, warm hugs. What more could a writer want? 'And a diverse audience' you say? We had that too! Some people had never stepped into a theater before, others had attended opening nights from London to Moscow, to NYC. There were activists, artists, land owners, business owners, unhomed, waiters, mechanics, attorneys, felons and free spirits all hanging together. Over the course of three shows, one that 'had' to be added due to robust ticket sales, more than six hundred people attended 'For The Next Guy' and they doled out more than six thousand compliments, promises for action, and jubilant accolades.

    So many people have written since seeing 'For The Next Guy' wanting to be assured that it will continue, to have life elsewhere, and to promote vibrant discussion as it was meant to do. Others have contacted us wanting to volunteer their time or receive updates and the HIIT Newsletter.

    Here's our deal - YOU stay with US. WE WILL stay with YOU. Remember we're a small group so if you don't hear back or fail to get registered on HIIIT's growing newsletter list - CONTACT US AGAIN. Insist we add your name...... and consider helping us out with your ideas, action, admin, art, writing skills and any cash you have kicking around. We can always happily and gratefully use your help, your support, your ideas and your presence.

  • H.I.I.T Helping Incarcerated Individuals Transition

    The purpose of HIIT - Helping Incarcerated Individuals Transition is to let men and women who are serving time know that there are hundreds and hundreds of people who care about them and who are devoted to supporting their success when they reenter, and their success when they are inside. At HIIT we want to safely, truthfully, bring the outside world in and the inside world out.

    Sign up for our email list to keep in touch and learn more.

Wacth the Trailer for the Next guy here