“Great things are done by a series of small things brought together.”
- Vincent Van Gogh
What's art got to do with it
Summoning the power of the arts to address our opioid epidemic.
Using the tools of writing, visual arts, performance, theater, and music, creatives, educators, interested people from all disciplines and sectors will consider the opioid epidemic through the powerful lens of creative expression.
The Belfast Creative Coalition presented the First Annual Arts in Action Project/Conference, What’s Art Got To Do With It? in November of 2019. This 3 day event addressed the opioid epidemic with music and theater performances, informational speakers and workshops. -
Betty the Artvan
With great joy we present to you Betty The Artvan, Waldo County’s own Vardo. So many people have collaborated to create this beautiful, traveling work of art and we are so excited to finally bring her out for all to see. Betty will host events all over Waldo County, instead of going to the theater or gallery, she will come to you! We will feature dancing, music and performances of all kinds that speak to our collective cause of social justice as well as educational opportunities. Sign up for our email updates to learn about upcoming events and let us know if you have an idea that you want to share, this is a community effort, without all of our voices, the song won’t be as strong or beautiful.
Join us to combat the isolating effects
of Covid, increasing substance use
disorders and mental heath issues.
Claim the arts as a pathway to
joy, hope and healing.Nov. 4th 7pm - 9pm
Jeremy Grant
A spectacular
event featuring dance,
film, art, music &
encouraging words.Nov. 5th 8am - 5:30pm
Judy Zocchi
Creating Camp Jinka
Kea Tesseyman
The Kea Method
Leslie Ross
Instrument Building and Music Improvisation
Nicole Foster Mental Health First Aid
Natasha Sidhu
The Science of Ayurveda
Krista Odom/Artivism in Maine
with Betty the Art Van
Denise Black & TerriI Woodruff
Recovery Coach BasicsSunday at the Belfast Boathouse from 10-1
The Sky is Rising
In response to COVID 19, the BCC created an online event, The Sky Is Rising to support local artists impacted by the sudden social isolation that threatened their livelihood. On Memorial Day weekend of 2020, there was a safe, socially distanced outdoor performance that was recorded which included performers of all kinds. On Monday of that weekend Eric Sanders, the Mayor of Belfast kicked off the first virtual event featuring artists of all disciplines. All funds went directly to the artists and to the Belfast Keep the Faith Fund which helps people in need of rent and grocery money due to the pandemic.
The importance of art is among the many things that COVID brought to light. When the possibility of being together for performances, dancing together, hearing live music became threatened it became clear how essential artists are to our collective well being. Supporting artists fundamentally benefits us all -
Holiday Popup Giveaway
The BCC hosted a holiday giveaway event last December in response to food insecurity due to Covid. Sponsors and volunteers included Waldo County Bounty, Kids Unplugged, Literacy Volunteers of Waldo County, Restorative Justice Project, Volunteers of America and Eat More Cheese. 500 pounds of vegetables, hand knitted hats and mittens, children’s books and art supplies were given away as pandemic weary friends and neighbors gathered, (masked and socially distanced!) to celebrate the winter solstice. Music was performed as we danced and sang together, warmed by the generosity of spirit and promise of the coming light.
Project Connect
In the fall of 2019, Project Connect was created by The BCC. Little boxes were left around town to invite people share to how they felt about their connections within the community. These thoughts and ideas were used to create a collaborative mural as a part of the 3 day conference that took place in November of that year, the Art in Action Project & Conference which addressed the opioid epidemic and how healing can be fostered through the arts. The mural was painted by a group of volunteers from the community at The Hutchinson Center.